Our team will work with you to make sure you have a safe surgery with the best possible outcome. If you are preparing for a total joint replacement, we encourage you to take a moment to learn about your procedure and what to expect – from pre-op to recovery. Take a look at these short videos and let us know if you have questions. Your surgical team is here to support you.

So, you decided to have a total joint procedure?
Start here to learn the basics of what to expect from the procedure, the team, and your recovery.

Joint replacement is one of the modern miracles of medicine.
Total Joint procedures have been performed by orthopedic surgeons since the early 20th century. Watch this video to learn about the procedure and how it has helped millions to achieve a better quality of life.

Cleared for takeoff.
Our team will work with your current care providers to ensure you’re ready for your procedure. Your health and safety is our No. 1 priority. This video walks you through the various doctors you’ll be asked to meet with before your operation.

Get your house in order.
Ready to go home? You will be! Our team will help you be prepared to go home to continue your recovery and get back to awesome faster. In this video, we review how to get yourself and your home prepared before your surgery so when it’s time to go home, you’re ready.

The big day.
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. The day of your surgery can be stressful. Take a moment to ease your mind and watch this video to learn what you can expect the day of your surgery.

Your recovery plan.
It is important to have balanced and realistic expectations about your recovery. In this video, we will review the recovery plan so you can plan to live healthy and happy.

The plan for pain.
We know that pain is a cause of major pre-op anxiety. Our team will work with you to develop this key component of your surgery. In this video, we’ll review aspects of pain management so we can work together to build your personalized pain plan.

The 3 phases of recovery.
Our goal is for you to get better, faster, and stronger.
In this video, we will walk you through the 3 major phases of recovery after your total joint replacement.

Dont stall. Call.
Know when to reach out to your care team. Learn the signs and symptoms your physician and care team will want to know about sooner rather than later.

Your life after surgery.
Ready to get back to the things you love doing? Watch this video to understand how to coach your body back to normal after your surgery.
Total Joint Education Classes
Your surgeon recommends you attend a one-hour class in preparation for your upcoming surgery. In this class, our Total Joint Coordinator will discuss how to prepare for surgery, what to expect during your time at the surgery center and after discharge.
Please contact the Total Joint Coordinator, to RSVP at (831) 333.4131
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All information contained on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes. The information is not intended nor suited to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical treatment or for professional medical advice relative to a specific medical question or condition.
Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure including Outpatient Joint Replacement. Outpatient Joint Replacement is not for everyone. Children, pregnant women, patients who have mental or neuromuscular disorders that do not allow control of the knee joint, and patients with a complex medical history, multiple co-morbid conditions, morbidly obese patients should not undergo a rapid recovery care plan. Consult your physician for details to determine if outpatient joint replacement is right for you.
Education videos are provided in partnership with achievejointsuccess.com.